1. Getting StartedHow do I sign up? Before you can play, you must register an account and download the software. You will need to decide which member level you wish to select. See the section titled ‘Subscription Levels’ for more details.
I'm getting error messages when trying to log on. What should I do? Our support team can assist you with this issue but we’ll need to know the exact (or as close to exact) text of the error message. Please be sure to include as much detail as possible: the exact nature of your problem, the type of computer you’re using, the operating system, how you connect to the internet and any other information you think may be helpful for us. Remember, the more info you provide the quicker we’ll be able to get your issue resolved. 2. Account InformationScreen Names 3. MembershipsMembership Levels
Checkout BASIC VS VIP Access to get full details about the differences between VIP and Basic memberships.
More VIP Club features will be added over time so we encourage you to keep checking the site for details and updates.
For just 66 cents a day or about the cost of two movie tickets, you can enjoy hours of entertainment from the comfort of your own home and play games where the daily payout value is in the thousands of dollars! (No purchase necessary). See Official Rules and Terms and Conditions for details and Alternate Means of Entry). Why not give it a try – you have so little risk and so much to gain…
Do you charge me automatically each month or do I have to enter my credit card info each month? VIP Memberships are renewed automatically each month and your card is automatically charged each month so there's no need to re-enter your credit card information each month.
I don't have a credit card. Are there other payment options (can I mail you a check or can I do an EFT, electronic check, etc.)? At this time we only accept credit and debit cards as forms of payment. Click here to find a special credit/debit card offer we've arranged with a leading credit/debit card issuer.
Can I have more than one account? No. To maintain integrity of game play, each user is limited to one account per household. If a player, during the prize verification process, is found to have more than one account, their prize may be withheld and awarded to the next ranking player and their accounts may be subject to suspension or cancellation.
Can I have a VIP account and a Basic account? No. To maintain integrity of game play, each user is limited to one account per household. If a player, during the prize verification process, is found to have more than one account, their prize may be withheld and awarded to the next ranking player and their accounts may be subject to suspension or cancellation.
I'm a VIP Member. How do I update/change my billing information? Log on to the poker software as you normally would. From inside the lobby, click Account, then click Billing Info. 4. Tournament QuestionsTime Zones
Tournaments - Qualifying
We reserve the right to use other means to resolve cancelled tournaments. However, the above is our guiding policy. By playing on this site, you acknowledge that you may be disconnected for reasons beyond your or our control and that may lead to a loss of your points buy-in, the chips you have accrued in the tournament and/or your position in the tournament’s ranking. You may be in the process of winning a large pot when a tournament is cancelled only to have that tournament resume with an earlier chip count or even restart from the beginning. You also acknowledge that you may be involved in a tournament where you are the clear chip leader and receive the same refund as a player with many fewer chips.
Passwords are no longer used in the new version of our software. If a tournament has a certain qualification criteria, such as the Girls All-In or the Senior Tournaments, you will be able to register simply by clicking the Register button only if the data you supplied in your registration match the tournament registration criteria.
5. LeaderboardWhat is the Leader Board? The leader board displays the ranking of each player. It displays their screen name and bankroll in points for each period in the competition cycle. It can be accessed through the Poker Lobby. 6. Game Play FeaturesHow do I change my Avatar? You can view or change your avatar at any time by logging into the nlop client and clicking on the Account > My Profile tab or Account> My Avatar tab. 7. EmailHow to Whitelist in your spam filter
8. Chat, Conduct and Poker EtiquetteGeneral
To report chat violations in the Community Chat rooms or at the poker tables use the Report Profanity link. Be sure to include the time of the offense, the exact nature of the offense and the screen name of the person committing the offense. All claims will be thoroughly investigated; Knockout reserves the right to determine a course of action appropriate to the offense; all decisions are binding. You may or may not be notified if your chat privileges have been suspended and you may or may not be notified about a complaint you lodged against another player
Collusion - Collusion is a form of cheating in which two or more players signal their holdings or otherwise form a cheating partnership to the detriment of the other players at the same table. While on one hand it is easier to pass information between colluding players in online poker than it is in brick & mortar rooms, it is much more difficult to avoid eventual detection as the cards for all players can be examined after the play. 9. Poker PointsWhat are Poker Points? Poker points are what you use to enter tournaments; they are sometimes referred to as chips. Points/chips have no cash value. 10. PrizesWhat can I win? We offer a variety of prizes.Past prizes have included cash, buy-ins to the WSOP, HDTVs, certificates for cruises and sporting events, poker-related merchandise, clothing items and much, much more. Check the Prizes tab for more details. 11. Our Software1. System Requirements
2. Downloads and InstallationDo I need to install special software on my computer to play? After you’ve completed your registration you will need to download and install the poker software. For your convenience go to Download Client Software.
Send the info to customer support and we'll go from there. 12. Vista InformationDoes your system support 64-bit machines? Yes, our software will operate on 64-bit machines. Just follow the download instructions above.Be sure to allow the software to install into the default paths and directories displayed during the installation process.
I’m logging on to Knockout and it’s trying to install an update. Why won’t it complete? This is related to User Accounts Control. First, turn off User Account Controls: open Control Panel and click the icon for User Accounts; click the link that says Turn User Account Control on or off; uncheck the box that says Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. Next restart your machine. Now, log back on to our software and let the download complete; when the download is complete, go back to Control Panel and turn UAC back on again.
I’m trying to install the Client Software on my Vista machine but each time I try I get a message that says ‘Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access them’ and the software won’t install. What do I need to do? This is related to how the security features in Vista allow programs to launch and run. First,go back to the download page and click the Download NOW! link. A download dialog box will open; click the Save button. This will save the installer to your desktop.Once it's on your desktop, right mouse-click the icon and select Properties.Toward the bottom of the General tab you should see a security warning that says 'This file came from another computer and it...' and to the right of it is a button that says 'Unblock'; click the Unblock button; click Apply then OK. Double click the installer icon to launch it; it should run now.
13. Technical IssuesI'm trying to register but I'm getting a message that says I can only have one account – but I don't have an account yet. Why am I getting this message? This usually happens when you try to register using a browser other than Internet Explorer and happens most frequently to AOL users. If you get this message while signing up, email customer support and we'll help you complete your registration.
I'm getting error messages when trying to log on. What should I do? Our support team can assist you with this issue but we'll need to know the exact (or as close to exact) text of the error message. Please be sure to include as much detail as possible: the exact nature of your problem, the type of computer you're using, the operating system, how you connect to the internet and any other information you think may be helpful for us. Remember, the more info you provide the quicker we'll be able to get your issue resolved. 14. HelpDidn’t find the answer you needed here? Our support team is available to help; you can contact them at the Customer Support.Please be sure to include as much detail as possible: the exact nature of your problem, the type of computer you’re using, the operating system, how you connect to the internet and any other information you think may be helpful for us.Remember, the more info you provide the quicker we’ll be able to get your issue resolved. Note: we attempt to answer all queries within 24 hours; weekend responses may take a bit longer.